Jessica Wong Jessica Wong



My husband and I took a much-needed trip together this summer. We had the opportunity to visit the Hoover Dam and as beautiful and amazing it was to see this marvelous wonder, I left with feelings of sadness at how much we impact our environment and it confirmed why we need to make a change, even if it is a small one, as a family and as a business.

Can you see the difference in the water level, from where it was to where it is now... (July2021)

For the past 7 years I did not pay any attention to the effect that I would have on the environment by starting and making a clothing business. At the beginning of this year I reached a point where I felt like enough is enough... I found myself trying to keep up with the fashion industry, comparing myself and my business to others and losing sight of my purpose…My Why!

As I started to create our patch blankets, I realized that no matter how much fabric I am trying to reuse , I am still wasting too much. So, what happens to that fabric.... I told my husband my thoughts about changing my fabric and he said... “So what, you like stop what you’re doing and start one recycle center?”  Okay, so obviously that was not what God was trying to tell me... But it eventually led me to the documentary called “The True Cost.” At that moment…it was like “ding” a lightbulb  went off in my head!

It’s time to stop trying to have a new collection come out every month or every season. It’s time to challenge myself and pay attention to the materials that I use and do the hard work in finding the best eco-friendly products available. It is crazy to think I was so oblivious to the impact the fashion industry has on our environment....

For the past 6 months I have been doing a lot of research on different types of fabric that are healthy for ourselves and the environment. Also, this meant finding the best way to print our fabric that uses much less water...We still have some fabric left and will use as much of it as we can to create garments and patch blankets...but, we will soon be transitioning our business model and shifting to have all our products made out of eco-friendly and sustainable material...

For those of you who are knowledgeable about living an eco-friendly lifestyle, I am open to hearing your thoughts and ideas because I have done the research for my business and the products that I should use, but am still learning how to incorporate it into my family’s lifestyle as well.. 

I realized Hawai’i makes it hard to recycle . What I learned is there are 7 different types of plastic and not all plastic can be recycled. In Hawai’i, only 1 & 2 type plastics are accepted, besides the HI5 items... Trust me, I am nowhere near perfect in living this lifestyle but we as a family are committed to slowly making small changes, one recycled item at a time.

I can’t wait to start this new journey with all of’s a new journey, but the hands that are creating the products are the same. This challenge (I am a former athlete and everything is a competition) of wanting to create pieces that are timeless and eco-friendly has lit a new fire inside of me…to continue on this journey with you, but being more conscious in how what I do, even though on a small scale, can affect those around me on a larger scale. I will be better; WE will be better together... 


P.S. The new fabric and designs that we want to incorporate and introduce to you all are AMAZING, and if you are lucky enough, you may get a sneak peek! 


And I thought I’d end with this, the Bible tells us in the Book of Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let’s commit to making small changes to treat earth like it belongs to God, recycling one thing at a time. The Shift cannot always be seen, but after generations of neglect, it is felt by many. We realign and adjust our path and set out to continue to become who God made us to be, in our fullest potential, starting with the person you look at while brushing your teeth.


From my heart to yours, thank you! WE at Kamea Designs cannot do it without your love and support. 

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Jessica Wong Jessica Wong

Clean House…


When you look at this sewing machine, with all the pieces together, it seems perfect. But only by its appearance. I know and can tell that something is wrong internally. It doesn’t feel the same, it’s moving slower, something is definitively wrong... But when it’s put together, you can’t see the mess beneath the surface...

This morning God reminded me that it is vital to take time to clean house...and no, not your actual house that you live in, but the house that lives inside of you...what are you storing? how are you doing? Are there things causing you to run slow, maybe unforgiveness. 

We put on make up, brush our teeth, do our hair and put on a nice set of clothes (because that’s what the world tells us to do), but inside, we got trash piling up, anger and revenge, hatred and jealousy and we’re on the verge of breaking... We like to push ourselves to the limit, neglecting all that junk inside and try to pick up the pieces after it breaks...It’s much harder dealing with it when the problem inside explodes...(I’m the queen of that, I used to prefer learning the hard way...and God’s like...”stop being stubborn and let Me help you!”) You can’t just buy a new YOU, (I mean you can but only to fix the outside. The pile of dirt we hide in our hearts so no one can see is still there).

It’s okay to SLOW down, to say your not okay, and trust that God can handle it all. Pay attention to the warning signs (they’re loud and bright). Don’t be like me and go pedal to the metal and hope I get there in one piece... 😂😂😂 He’s gonna laugh and say “Didn’t You hear me telling you, I gave you many warning signs and you passed by a bunch of repair shops, next time pull over, stop and ask for help, you’ll be glad you did!”

I was in a groove and no part of me wanted to stop sewing this morning... All I could think of is my time is precious and my family will be up soon, I don’t want to spend all morning cleaning & fixing this damn machine 😩 but if I didn’t listen to the warning signs, stop and take the time to fix what you can’t see, I probably would have a broken sewing machine and have to buy a new one. It’s one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself, your spouse, your children and your work. 

Remember, you’re valuable, you’re worth it and every time you listen to the warning signs and take time to fix the problem, God is honored. The Bible tells us in the Book of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Thank you to my husband for helping me organize my thoughts… Because two is always better than one.

So much love to you, our Kamea Ohana.

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Jessica Wong Jessica Wong


We would like to welcome you to the newest version of…kind of like version 2.0. 

 Thank you for stopping by and supporting our family. We have come a long way and will continue to challenge ourselves to grow. In June of this year, we officially made 6 years of being in business. The old saying is so true, time surely flies when youʻre having fun...I don’t know where the time went, or how it happened so quickly…but I do know that we are right where God wants us to be. 

 To all of you who have followed us from the beginning, you have seen first-hand my growth as a designer, seamstress, small business owner, wife and mother. When we first started this dream, we were a family of 3 and we lived in an apartment in Waimanalo. Fast forward 6 years and not only has our business grown, but we are now a family of 5…that’s right my husband and I, our 3 children have planted our roots back on the Big Island. 

 I look forward to this new season ahead and what God has in store for us. I hope to write a new blog monthly...but with being a wife and mother of 3, we all know how plans change to meet the needs of my family. If you are interested in me sharing anything specific, please let me know. 

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 In this season, we have felt uncomfortable, nervous, scared and worried about what's ahead, but that is only when we look at our circumstances. It is kind of like the story in the Bible of Peter walking on water approaching Jesus. Once Peter became worried about the size of the waves and the storm he was in, he started to sink. What we have learned more now than ever before, is to fix our eyes and our hearts on Jesus. The storms will come to pass, but Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


From the Kamea Designs Family, Thank YOU!!!

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